Jack Kornfield is one of my spiritual teachers. His books and CDs have been so important and valuable to me in my spiritual path, especially when it comes to his guided meditations for difficult times. I take such comfort in his voice, his gentleness, his wisdom, and his great compassion. I have learned so much from him and continue to do so. I'm so grateful for Jack Kornfield and my other spiritual teachers.
For some reason I was thinking about him today, and I decided to search for poignant quotes. When choosing a quote for my daily phrase, I do tend to look for short ones for obvious reasons. This quote is really the beginning of a longer quote found on
Here is the entire quote:
“Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.”
― Jack Kornfield, A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life
Here is a photo of and brief bio about Jack Kornfield found on his website (jackkornfield.com):

Jack Kornfield is one of the leading Buddhist teachers in America. A practitioner for over 40 years, he is one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness and vipassana meditation to the West. His approach emphasizes compassion, lovingkindness, and the profound path of mindful presence, all offered in simple, accessible ways in his books, CDs, classes, and retreats.
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