Saturday, November 21, 2015


I am intrigued by the macabre, the bizarre, the creepy, the strange... I love scary stories and movies. It's no wonder that as an undergrad many years ago, I took a course called "Ghost Story Literature." Among other authors, Poe's work was a focus of the class, and we read "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Raven," for example. I enjoyed the class, as you might well imagine.

I don't know why I decided to find a quote by Edgar Allan Poe today, but I really, really like this one. I suppose you could say there is some kind of strangeness in just about any kind of beauty. The word strangeness can be interpreted in so many ways. Being strange can just mean unusual, not necessarily odd or weird.

It's really an interesting statement to ponder. We can find beauty in the ordinary... Is that because if we look closely, there is some kind of strangeness that helps bring out the beauty? What is your take on this view of beauty? I like thinking about it, myself...

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