Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I was talking to somebody today about Stephen King books. As a teenager I got into books like The Shining, The Dead Zone, The Stand, and other creepy King books. I've always been drawn to strange, creepy, scary, intense, supernatural, suspenseful stories, in book, movie, TV, or other form.

This quote by Stephen King might just explain to some extent why people like myself get into these horror stories. Even the one short story I wrote has elements of the macabre, the supernatural, and suspense. It's rather creepy, but it also makes you think.

Anyway... Some people steer clear of horror stories, and I completely understand that. Sometimes it's hard to get the images out of one's head. For me, it's an escape of sorts, at least in part. For Stephen King, his writing must help him cope with some of the horrors that exist in this world. I totally get that.

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